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Kittimoji Pro

4.6 ( 8576 ratings )

Forfatter: Ryan Beck
0.99 USD

Elevate your conversations with Kittimoji Pro. THE sticker pack for fun, expressive cat-emojis. These unique personalities feature a dynamic range of classic emojis you know and love, to new characters and emotions you never knew you needed.

Adding these stickers to your conversations is easy, just tap, drag, and drop them into your messages. Additionally, new to iOS 18, stickers can now be used in Message Reactions!

Swipe through the App Previews to see the entire collection. A brief list of included (but not limited to) emojis:

■ Smiling & Affectionate
Grinning, Smiley, Smile, Grin, Laughing, Sweat Smile, Joy, Slight Smile, Wink, Blush, Smile w/ Hearts, Heart Eyes, Star Struck, Kissing Heart, Kissing, Relaxed, Kissy Smile, Smile w/ Tear, Smirk

■ Tongues, Hands & Expressions
Yum, Stuck Out Tongue, Tongue Wink, Tongue Closed Eyes, Hugging, Shushing, Thinking, Talk-to-the-Hand, Party, Tada, Sunglasses, Nerd, Brace-Face, Sleeping, Monocle, Prideful, Vomit, Nauseous, Woozy, Hazy, Dizzy, Burping, Yawning, Mask, Fever, Head Bandage, Rainbow Vomit, Money-Mouth, Freezing, Hot, Mind Blowing

■ Neutral & Skeptical
Upside Down, Melting, Zipper-Mouth, Raised Eyebrow, Neutral, Skeptical, Expressionless, No-Mouth, Unamused, Grimacing, Exhaling

■ Concerned & Negative
Confused, Diagonal-Mouth, Worried, Slight Frown, Big Frown, Open-Mouth, Hushed, Astonished, Flushed, Teary-Eyed, Frowning, Anguished, Fearful, Cold Sweat, Relieved, Cry, Sob, Scream, Confounded, Persevere, Disappointed, Sweat, Weary, Curse, Tired, Triumph, Rage, Angry

■ Costume, Creature & Animal
Angelic, Devilish, Old Man, Baby, Ramen Eating, Disguise, Skull, Flower Child, Clown, Ghost, Alien, Robot, Zombie, Vampire, Frankenstein, Mr. T, Samurai, Ninja, Sushi Chef, Princess, Panda, Nurse, Snorkel, Astronaut, Police, Robber, Fireman, Emo Punk, Kid, Sim, Cyclops